Design is the first step in the development phase for any techniques and principles for the purpose of defining a device, a process or system in sufficient details to permit it's physical realisation.

                                Once the software requirements have been analysed and specified the software design involves three technical activities- Design, coding, implementation and testing that are required to build and verify the software.

                         The design activities are of main importance in this phase, because in this activity, decision ultimately affecting the success of the software implementation and it's ease of maintenance are made. These decisions have the final bearing upon reliability and maintainability of the system. Design is the only way to accurately translate the customer's requirements into finished software or a system.

                                                  Design is the place where quality is fostered in development. Software design is a process through which requirements are translated into a representation of software. Software design is conducted in two steps. Preliminary design is concerned with the transformation of requirements into data.

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