Software maintenance
Software maintenance is widely accepted part of SDLC now a days. It stands for all the modifications and updations done after the delivery of software product.
Software maintenance is widely accepted part of SDLC now a days. It stands for all the modifications and updations done after the delivery of software product.
There are four categories of software change:
Corrective Change
Corrective change, most commonly referred to as “bugs,” is the most typical change associated with maintenance work. Corrective changes address errors and faults in your software that could affect various areas of your software; design, logic or code. Most commonly, these changes are sprung by bug reports created by users. It is important to note that sometimes problem reports submitted by users are actually enhancements of the system not bugs.
. Adaptive Maintenance
It contains modifying the software to match changes in the ever-changing environment.
Perfective Maintenance - This includes modifications and updates done in order to keep the software usable over long period of time. It includes new features, new user requirements for refining the software and improve its reliability and performance.
Preventive Maintenance
It is the process by which we prevent our system from being obsolete. It involves the concept of reengineering & reverse engineering in which an old system with old technology is re-engineered using new technology. This maintenance prevents the system from dying out.
Need for Maintenance
Software Maintenance is needed for:-
Correct errors
Change in user requirement with time
Changing hardware/software requirements
To improve system efficiency
To optimize the code to run faster
To modify the components
To reduce any unwanted side effects